Friday, October 15, 2010

happiness unfolded...

I was happy.. i was happy that she was much involved in showing my work which  i was telling with passion..mouthing the words which i had written. Hoping that she understands..maybe feels proud that she is wedded to a genius.
Still it was surprising ..she was gazing from behind the computer screen..My bitter half..I can whole heartedly forgive her for asking an intelligent question of “ who wrote kamba RAMAYANAM”..for the interest she evinced while i was transported to another world..maybe i too should respect her interests and get her more  of romance , Mills and boons, super romance, norah roberts..Some of which i think are titles of novels or authors or vice versa..I should gear up my heart to read along with her at least some paragraphs of those which she reads..though i think most of which sound like contents of a hotel menu card or a recipe book..NO no..Shouldn't demean fact she is still behind me...maybe awestruck..
I beamed turning back hoping she would execute something which she reads from her books...that was when she blurted out..came to pick up the duppatta.. caught in the wheel of your chair...time to go to the beauty parlour.Lock the door before you go to sleep...usss ..apppaaaaaaaa....:((

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